Kategorie: Joint Hulzen

Zetla Paper made in France

Pre Rolled Joint Cones assembled in Indonesia

Prefabricated conical sleeves
Zetla's prefabricated conical sleeves are made from ultra-thin hemp paper. The glue is only 0.5 mm wide, therefore almost tasteless and burn evenly! It's pretty simple to use: just fill up the cone and enjoy!

Natural taste experience
Zetla Cones are perfectly twisted and handmade from natural hemp paper. The pre-rolled conical sleeves are subject to strict quality control to ensure that each sleeve arrives in perfect condition.

Entdecken Sie unsere Joint Tubes, um Ihre vorgerollten Joints vor Beschädigungen zu schützen und sie länger frisch zu halten

Joint Hulle

Joint Hulzen für den Großhandel